Full list of lectures, presentations and posters made at different confernces

Oral Presentations  

  1. Suslov S, Leshinsky V, Spektor S. (1985) Endovascular cerebral surgery with balloon-free navigation catheters. Diagnostics and Surgical Treatment of Vascular Diseases, Moscow, proceedings p298-299  
  2. Suslov S, Spektor S, Leshinsky V. (1985) Microsurgical cerebral revascularization. Diagnostics and Surgical Treatment of Vascular Diseases, Moscow, proceedings p299-300   
  3. Spektor S, Sakovich VP. (April 1986) Polarographic evaluation of microvascular anastomoses. 2nd National Symposium on Treatment of Cerebral Ischemia. Riga, Latvia  
  4. Spektor S, Sakovich VP. (October 1988) Revascularization of patients with multiple cerebral artery occlusions. 3rd National Congress of Neurosurgeons, Leningrad, proceedings   
  5. Spektor S. (September 1989) New technologies in cerebrovascular surgery. Science, engineering, and medicine. International Conference of Young Scientists, Prague, Czechoslovakia  
  6. Spektor S. Sakovich VP. (1989) Effect of extracerebral vascular lesions on far-away results following operations on carotid arteries. Problems of Angiology, Rostov-on-Don, proceedings p179-180  
  7. Sakovich VP, Spektor S. (November 1990) Staged surgical treatment of cerebrovascular disease. 1st National Congress of Heart and Vascular Surgeons, Moscow   
  8. Spektor S. (April 1993) Bilateral ICA stenosis: which side to operate first? International Congress on Advances in Brain Revascularization, Eilat, Israel, proceedings p50  
  9. Spektor S. (April 1993) Role of the EC/IC bypass in operative treatment of the patients with ICA stenosis and contralateral ICA occlusion. International Congress on Advances in Brain Revascularization, Eilat, Israel, proceedings p104  
  10. Spektor S. (June 1994) Is there a place for the EC/IC bypass in neurosurgery today? Annual Meeting of Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS. Dead Sea, Israel  
  11. Umansky F, Valarezo A, Elidan J, Spektor S, Piontek E. (February 1996) The subtemporal transpetroapical approach in the treatment of petroclival meningiomas. 1st International Interdisciplinary Congress on Craniofacial and Skull Base Surgery. Jerusalem, Israel   
  12. Umansky F, Spektor S, Ashkenazi E. (September 1996) Cervical spinal stenosis. Course on Spinal Neurosurgery, European Association of Neurosurgical Societies EANS, Aalboorg, Denmark   
  13. Umansky F, Spektor S. (1997) Grading and outcome of aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Course on Vascular Neurosurgery. European Association of Neurosurgical Societies EANS, Southampton, England, course book, p.5-7   
  14. Spektor S, Agus S, Merkin V, Constantini S. (April 1999) Low dose aspirin prophylaxis and risk of intracranial hemorrhage in mild and moderate head injury in elderly population. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons AANS, New Orleans LA, USA  
  15. Spektor S, Anderson G, Delashaw JB, McMenomey S, Horgan M. (May 1999) Quantification of the far lateral transcondylar approach. Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Chicago IL, USA  
  16. Kernan J, Spektor S, McMenomey S, Horgan M, Kellogg J, Delashaw J. (March 2000) Water permeability of CRS calcium phosphate cement: experiments in vitro and clinical experience. Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Phoenix AZ, USA  
  17. Spektor S, Siomin V, Constantini S, Fliss D. (March 2001) Application of the fronto-orbital approach in pediatric neurosurgery. Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA  
  18. Fliss D, Zuker G, Amir A, Cohen JT, Gatot A, Spektor S. (March 2001) The subcranial approach for anterior skull base tumors. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA  
  19. Fliss D, Gil Z, Cohen JT, Gatot A, Spektor S. (March 2001) Anterior skull base surgery without prophylactic airway diversion procedures. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA  
  20. Fliss D, Gil Z, Cohen JT, Gatot A, Spektor S. (March 2001) The necessity for scalp hair removal in skull base surgery. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, March 2001, Orlando FL, USA  
  21. Fliss D, Hochman II, Zuker G, Cohen JT, Gatot A, Elran H, Spektor S. (March 2001) Surgical management of aggressive fungal infection involving the anterior skull base. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA 
  22. Fliss D, Gil Z, Zuker G, Cohen JT, Gur E, Amir A, Gatot A, Spektor S. (March 2001) Skull base reconstruction following anterior subcranial resection. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA 
  23. Fliss D, Zuker G, Gatot A, Cohen JT, Spektor S. (March 2001) Extended subcranial approach to the anterior skull base: modifications and combinations. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA 
  24. Fliss D, Zuker G, Cohen JT, Amir A, Spektor S, Gatot A. (March 2001) Surgical one-stage management of fronto-basal fractures. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA  
  25. Fliss D, Spektor S, Cohen JT, Zuker G, Amir A, Gatot A. (March 2001) The subcranial approach for management of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea. Annual Meeting of North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Orlando FL, USA  
  26. Spektor S. (March 2001) Petrosal approach for removal of petroclival meningiomas. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Tel Aviv, Israel 
  27. Spektor S. (March 2001) Applications of fronto-orbital craniotomy. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Tel Aviv, Israel  
  28. Spektor S. (January 2002) Application of neuronavigation to skull base surgery. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Ein Gedi, Israel  
  29. Spektor S. (May 2002) Developments in skull base neurosurgery. Annual Meeting of the Israel Surgical Society INS, May 2001, Tel Aviv, Israel   
  30. Fliss D, Spektor S, Leider-Trejo L, Abergel A, Khafif A, Amir A, Gur E, Gil Z. (November 2002) Anterior skull base reconstruction after extended subcranial tumor resection. 2nd World Congress of the International Federaration of Head and Neck Oncological Societies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  
  31. Fliss D, Spektor S, Cohen J, Gil Z. (November 2002) Combination and modifications of the anterior subcranial approach. 2nd World Congress of the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncological Societies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil   
  32. Fliss D, Gil Z, Cohen J, Khafif A, Spektor S. (November 2002) Panel combinations and modifications of the anterior subcranial approach. 2nd World Congress of the International Federaration of Head and Neck Oncological Societies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
  33. Gil Z, Orr-Urtreger A, Spektor S, Khafif A, Leider-Trejo L, Cohen J, Fliss D. (November 2002) Cytogenetic characterization of skull base tumors using spectral karyotyping and G-banding techniques. 2nd World Congress of the International Federaration of Head and Neck Oncological Societies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  
  34. Gil Z, Abergel A, Spektor S, Cohen J, Khafif A, Fliss D. (November 2002) Quality of life in patients with anterior skull base tumors: establishment of a disease-specific measuring instrument and ist application following subcranial resection. 2nd World Congress of the International Federaration of Head and Neck Oncological Societies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  
  35. Gil Z, Abergel A, Spektor S, Cohen J, Khafif A, Fliss D. (November 2002) Quality of life after anterior subcranial skull base tumot resction: the health-care giver perspective. 2nd World Congress of the International Federaration of Head and Neck Oncological Societies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  
  36. Spektor S, Agus S, Merkin V, Constantini S. (September 2003) Low dose aspirin prophylaxis and risk of intracranial hemorrhage in mild and moderate head injury in populations over age 60: a prospective study. 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Lisboa, Portugal  
  37. Spektor S, Valarezo J, Umansky F. (February 2004) Surgery of giant acoustic neurinomas: our experience. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New Orleans LA, USA  
  38. Spektor S, Valarezo J, Fliss DM, Gil Z, Cohen J, Goldman J, Umansky F. (February 2004) Olfactory groove meningiomas from neurosurgical and ENT perspectives – approaches and techniques. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New Orleans LA, USA  
  39. Fliss DM, Constantini S, Spektor S, Abergel A, Khafif A, Gil Z, (February 2004) Skull base surgery in children. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New Orleans LA, USA 
  40. Fliss DM, Urtreger A, Spektor S, Khafif A, Trejo L, Gil Z. (February 2004) Cytogenetic analysis of skull base tumors using spectral karyotyping and G-banding techniques. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New Orleans LA, USA   
  41. Fliss DM, Abergel A, Spektor S, Khafif A, Shabtai E, Gil Z. (February 2004) Quality of life assessment following surgery for anterior skull base tumors. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New Orleans,FL  
  42. Fliss DM, Gil Z, Urtreger A, Voskoboinik N, Trejo L, Khafif A, Spektor S, Yaron: Y. (February 2004) Cytogenetic analysis of short-term cultured sinonasal carcinomas. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New Orleans LA, USA  
  43. Fliss DM, Spektor S, Abergel A, Trejo L, Khafif A, Gil Z. (February 2004) Skull base reconstruction following anterior subcranial tumor resection. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New  Orleans LA, USA  
  44. Fliss DM, Spektor S, Abergel A, Gil Z. (February 2004) Combinations and modifications of the anterior subcranial approach. 15th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, New Orleans LA, USA  
  45. Spektor S, Valarezo J, Umansky F. (October 2004) Transpetrosal approach: unlocking the central skull base through a keyhole. 4th World Skull Base Congress, Sydney, Australia   
  46. Spektor S, Umansky F, Cohen J. (February 2005) Extracranial-intracranial microvascular bypass revised: indications, technique, and results. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Kfar Blum, Israel  
  47. Spektor S, Umansky F, Margolin E. (February 2005) Surgery of giant acoustic neurinomas: our experience. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Kfar Blum, Israel   
  48. Spektor S, Umansky F, Dotan S. (June, 2005) Management of the tumors involving the optic canal: indications, surgical technique, and outcomes. 7th Annual Meeting of the European Neuro-Ophthalmological Society, Moscow, Russia  
  49. Spektor S, Umansky F, Dotan S. (March 2006) Management of clinoid process meningiomas. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Caesarea, Israel    
  50. Spektor S, Umansky F. (March 2006) Far lateral approach – applications, technique and results. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Caesarea, Israel  
  51. Umansky F, Adeleye A, Spektor S. (September 2006) Management of cavernous sinus meningiomas: past, present, future. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurosurgeons in Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina  
  52. Umansky F, Shoshan Y, Spektor S, Rosenthal G, Fraifeld S. (2006) Radiation-induced meningioma: historical perspective, presentation, management, genetics. 5th International Congress on Meningiomas and the Cerebral Venous System, Tokyo, Japan   
  53. Umansky F, Segal R, Spivak A, Fraifeld S, Spektor S. (Feb. 2007) Radiation-induced meningioma: historical perspective, presentation, management, and relevance to Israel. Clinical Conference, Hadassah – Hebrew University Medical Center. Jerusalem, Israel 
  54. Spektor S, Umansky F, Dotan S. (May 2007) Management of clinoid process meningiomas. 8th European Skull Base Society ESBS, Prague, Czech Republic   
  55. Spektor S, Margolin E, Umansky F. (May 2007) Surgery of giant acoustic neurinomas: our experience. 8th European Skull Base Society ESBS, Prague, Czech Republic   
  56. Spektor S, Umansky F. (May 2007) Far lateral approach: modifications, applications, technique, and results. 8th European Skull Base Society ESBS, Prague, Czech Republic  
  57. Margalit N, Wasserzug O, Mimon S, Spektor S, Fliss D. (May 2007) Surgical treatment of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma with intracranial involvement. 8th European Skull Base Society ESBS, Prague, Czech Republic  
  58. Umansky F, Spektor S. (May 2007) The surgical approach to anterior clinoid meningiomas. International Symposium on Neurology and Neurosurgery, Tucuman, Argentina 
  59. Umansky F, Spektor S. (May 2007) Far lateral approach. International Symposium on Neurology and Neurosurgery, Tucuman, Argentina 
  60. Umansky F, Spektor S. (May 2007) The surgical approach to anterior clinoid meningiomas. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies WFNS Educational Course, Buenos Aires, Argentina   
  61. Umansky F, Spektor S. (May 2007) Far lateral approach. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies WFNS Educational Course, Buenos Aires, Argentina  
  62. Umansky F, Spektor S. (May 2007) The surgical approach to anterior clinoid meningiomas. International Symposium on Neurology and Neurosurgery, Tucuman, Argentina   
  63. Umansky F, Spektor S. (May 2007) Far lateral approach. International Symposium on Neurology and Neurosurgery, Tucuman, Argentina  
  64. Spektor S, Shoshan Y, Umansky F. (2008) Surgery of large sphenoid wing meningiomas. Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Haifa, Israel.  
  65. Spektor S, Shoshan Y, Umansky F. (2008) Surgery of giant acoustic neurinomas. Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Haifa, Israel.  
  66. Spektor S, Adeleye A, Shoshan Y, Umansky F. (2008) Anterolateral craniotomy: a technique for improved aesthetic outcome. Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Haifa, Israel.  
  67. Spektor S. (2008) Technique of anterior clinoidectomy. Israeli Neurosurgical Society INS, Haifa, Israel.  
  68. Umansky F, Spektor S, Shoshan Y, Rosenthal G, Fraifeld S. (September 2008) Radiation-induced meningioma: historical perspective, presentation, management, genetics. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons AANS, Boston MA, USA 
  69. Spektor S, Shoshan Y, Umansky F. (2008) Giant acoustic neurinomas: a change of mind. 5th International Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies & 19th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Vancouver, Canada 
  70. Spektor S, Shoshan Y, Umansky F. (2008) Surgical management of large clinoidal meningiomas. 5th International Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies & 19th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Vancouver, Canada 
  71. Spektor S, Adeleye A, Shoshan Y, Umansky F. (2008) Anteriolateral craniotomy: a technique for improved aesthetic outcome. 5th International Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies & 19th Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society NASBS, Vancouver, Canada 
  72. Shoshan Y, Paldor I, Moscovici S, Wygoda M, Spektor S. (2009) LINAC-based radiosurgery for the treatment of radiation-induced meningiomas. 9th Biannual Meeting of the International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society (ISRS), Seoul, South Korea  
  73. Attia M, Umansky F, Dotan S, Paldor I, Margolin E, Shoshan Y, Spektor S. (2011) Giant clinoidal meningiomas: surgical technique, results, and outcome. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel   
  74. Moscovici S, Attia M, Cohen J, Dotan S, Shoshan Y, Spektor S. (2011) Skull base parasellar meningiomas in pregnancy presenting with visual impairment—management and outcome. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  75. Spektor S, Sanjith S, Margolin E, Fraifeld S, Eimerl D, Attia M, Umansky F. (2011) Posterior fossa surgery: sitting versus lateral position. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  76. Attia M, Umansky F, Shoshan Y, Margolin E, Spektor S. (2011) Giant acoustic neuromas: a change of mind. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  77. Spektor S, Shoshan Y, Attia M, Margolin E, Tamir, I, Umansky F. (2011) Managing vestibular schwannomas—Hadassah’s experience. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  78. Tamir I, Wygoda M, Wygoda A, Adika N, Spektor S, Shoshan Y. (2011) Tumor volume assessment and neurological outcome after radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  79. Spektor S, Margolin E, Attia M, Eiashar R. (2011) Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery: early experience. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  80. Spektor S, Umansky F, Margolin E, Attia M, Shoshan Y. (2011) Safety of clinoidectomy and optic nerve unroofing in anterior skull base surgery. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  81. Benifla M, Spektor S, Cohen J, Attia M, Shoshan Y. (2011) The multimodality neurosurgical team approach in the management of pediatric AVM. Special Symposium of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Eilat, Israel 
  82. Spektor S, Attia M, Shoshan Y, Umansky F. (2011) Giant vestibular schwannomas: a change of mind. (2011) 6th International Conference on Acoustic Neuroma, Los Angeles CA, USA 
  83. Spektor S, Umansky F, Margolin E, Shoshan Y. (2012) Safety of clinoidectomy and optic nerve unroofing in anterior skull base surgery. Annual Meeting of the European Skull Base Society, Brighton, UK 
  84. Spektor S, Sanjith S, Margolin E, Fraifeld S, Eimerl D, Attia M, Umansky F. (2012) Posterior fossa surgery: sitting versus lateral position. Annual Meeting of the European Skull Base Society, Brighton, UK 
  85. Spektor S, Margolin E, Umansky F. (2012) Paradoxical rhinorrhea after acoustic neuroma surgery—prevention and pitfalls. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Tsfas, Israel 
  86. Spektor S, Attia M, Shoshan Y, Paldor I, Dotan S, Umansky F. (2012) Giant anterior clinoidal meningiomas: surgical technique and outcomes. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Tsfas, Israel 
  87. Halevi D, Tamir I, Wygoda M, Wygoda A, Adika N, Margolin, Spektor S, Shoshan Y. (2014) Functional outcome following combined subtotal microsurgical resection followed by stereotactic radiosurgery treatment for vestibular schwannoma. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), Jerusalem, Israel 
  88. Benifla M, Shoshan Y, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2014) Pediatric skull base surgery. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS), Jerusalem, Israel 
  89. Sharif R, Margolin E, Eliashar R, Shoshan Y, Wigoda M, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2016) Skull base chordoma and chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  90. Margolin E, Eliashar R, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2016) Our experience with endoscopic transnasal surgery. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  91. Mizrahi CJ, Moscovici S, Margolin E, Spektor S. (2016) Modified pterional craniotomy without “MacCarty” keyhole. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  92. Mizrahi CJ, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2016) Petroclival-tentorial meningiomas: definition and surgical technique. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  93. Spektor S, Moscovici S, Margolin E, Mizrahi CJ. (2016) Posterior transpetrosal approaches: indications and modifications. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel  
  94. Candanedo CA, Moscovici S, Spektor S, Margolin E, Fellig Y, Shoshan Y. (2016) WHO II meningiomas: long-term surgical outcome and possible prognostic factors. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  95. Mizrahi CJ, Moscovici S, Margolin E, Spektor S. (2016) Modified pterional craniotomy without MacCarty keyhole. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  96. Mizrahi CJ, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2016) Petroclival-tentorial meningiomas: definition and surgical technique. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  97. Margolin E, Eliashar R, Moscovici S, Fraifeld S, Spektor S. (2016) Out experience with endoscopic transnasal surgery. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society in conjunction with the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel 
  98. Moscovici S, Candanedo C, Umansky F, Cohen JE, Spektor S. (2017) Intracranial epidermoid cyst management: 12 year experience. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  99. Ramirez IF, Moscovici M, Spektor S, Margolin E, Gomori JM, Cohen JE. (2017) Ischemic complications after tailored carotid artery stenting in different subpopulations with high-grade stenosis. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  100. Doron O, Rosenthal G, Moscovici S, Schweiki M, Margolin E, Israel Z, Umansky F, Itshayek E, Shoshan Y, Spektor S, Cohen JE. (2017) Endovascular management of ruptured MCA aneurysms: the Jerusalem experience. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  101. Spektor S, Dotan S, Moscovici S, Kruger J, Margolin E, Umansky F. (2017) Surgical management of optic nerve involvement in skull base meningiomas. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  102. Kaperov Y, Shoshan Y, Spektor S. (2017) Vestibular schwannoma: natural history, recurrence and regrowth rates, and optimal treatment strategy. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  103. Kahanov L, Cohen JE, Candanedo C, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2017) Superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery microsurgical bypass: when, why, and how. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  104. Spektor S, Dotan S, Moscovici S, Kruger J, Margolin E, Umansky F. (2017) Surgical management of optic nerve involvement in skull base meningiomas. Annual Congress of the Israeli Ophthalmological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel 
  105. Moscovici S, Candanedo C, Cohen JE, Patal R, Shoshan Y, Spektor S. (2019) Surgical management of spheno-orbital meningiomas. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  106. Candanedo C, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2019) Subtemporal transtentorial approaches (STTA) to para-midbrain, tentorial notch, and mediobasal temporal lesions. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  107. Kahanov L, Mizrahi CJ, Cohen JE, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2019) Delayed CSF leak in patients after craniotomy for resection of skull base tumors. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  108. Candanedo C, Moscovici S, Bedussa N, Spektor S. (2019) QEVO (micro-inspection tool)-assisted craniotomy–improving surgical results in skull base surgery: Hadassah experience. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  109. Doron O, Paldor I, Nossek E, Spektor S, Moscovici S. (2019) Readily available models for acquiring basic miscrosurgical skills in neurosurgery: the “grocery-store” lab. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  110. Leon J, Moscovici S, Candanedo C, Hourit SS, Goldstein K, Cohen JE, Spektor S. (2019) Intraoperative VEP (visual evoked potential) monitoring during anterior skull base surgery: what are we not seeing? Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  111. Houri SS, Moscovici S, Leon J, Azrieli A, Cohen JE, Kaye A, Spektor S. (2019) Surgical management of pre-pontine neuroenteric cysts. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  112. Najjar W, Cohen JE, Gomori JM, Leker RR, Spektor S, Abu el Hassah H, Shoshan Y, Itshayek E. (2019) Stent- and flow diverter-assisted treatment of acute ruptured brain aneurysms. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  113. Houri SS, Moscovici S, Rosenthal G, Shoshan Y, Spektor S, Cohen JE. (2019) Can endovascular treatments cure arteriovenous malformation? Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  114. Houri SS, Spektor S, Valero F, Cohen JE, Moscovici S. (2019) False localizing signs in skull base tumors. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 


  1. Spektor S, Piontek E, Umansky F. (April 1995) Orbital venous drainage into the cavernous sinus: a micro anatomical study. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons AANS, Orlando FL J Neurosurg 82:332 
  2. Spektor S, Piontek E, Umansky F. (February 1996) Orbital venous drainage into the cavernous sinus: a microanatomical study. 1st International Interdisciplinary Congress on Craniofacial and Skull Base Surgery. Jerusalem, Israel  
  3. Dotan S, Blumenthal AZ, Spektor S, Gomori M. (2009) Granular cell tumor of the pituitary stalk presenting as optic neuropathy. Annual Meeting of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, Lake Tahoe CA, USA 
  4. Patal R, Eliahou R, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2017) Lymphomas mimicking meningiomas. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society, Yesod HaMaalah, Israel 
  5. Sharif RJ, Stylianos P, Cohen JE, Spektor S, Margolin E. (2017) Potential lethal complication after removal of large posterior fossa epidermoid cyst. Annual Meeting of the Israel Neurosurgical Society, Galilion, Israel 
  6. Candanedo C, Moscovici S, Spektor S. (2018) Subtemporal transtentorial Approaches to paramidbrain, tentorial notch, and mediobasal temporal lesions. Annual Meeting of European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, Brussels